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Leanna Rosalee

Leanna Rosalee

Mail Order Bride Series Book 1


Leanna Rosalie was young and beautiful. Her life in Louisiana seemed perfect. She love it there the Mardi Gra, the music, the Cajun food, everything about her life seemed perfect. Suddenly everything changed and she found her self alone and vulnerable. Her father was in business with a very wealthy Caleb Calloway. Her mother was a prominent seamstress whose gowns were always in demand. It didn't take Leanna very long to realize that she was the pawn in the whole scenario. Her father disappeared at sea, and she witnessed her mother's murder by the cruel hands of Caleb Calloway. He made it very clear that she was now his possession and that she would do whatever he wanted. Callie was the local saloon girl. She watched as Caleb brutalized Leanna. She couldn't let this go on it was like reliving her own story. She was determined that she was going to save Leanna at all costs. With the help of Father Michel she would get Leanna out of town, but the only way out was to become a mail order bride. Callie and her friend Rex had a little business on the side regarding mail order brides. She knew Rex would protect Leanna at all costs just like he had tried to protect her. So Callie sent Leanna right into the arms of one handsome bachelor Rex Walker.

Olivia Rose

Olivia Rose

Mail Order Bride Series book 2


Olivia Rose was the child of a fur trader and a Cherokee woman. She an her mother traveled with her father as he hunted and collected furs for trading with local tribes. That was until one morning they were ambushed, At first all they wanted was the furs her father had collected, but as they dragged her mother from the wagon all she heard were screams and her fathers gun going off. When she finally came out from under the blanket that her mother had covered her with she found both of her parents murdered. After several days a passing fur trader found Olivia cold, wet, and hungry. He knew that he could not properly care for a little girl by himself so he took a few keepsakes from her parents and dropped her off at a small orphanage. Being a half-bred had its disadvantages though because no one wanted to adopt what they considered a savage child. She stayed at the orphanage and eventually she worked for them taking care of other orphans in exchange for room and board. When Lucy was dropped off at the orphanage she reminded Olivia of herself very young, alone, and confused, It wasn't long before Lucy attached herself to Olivia. Betsy was Olivia's only friend and she was determined to help Olivia escape from her dreary life at the orphanage. She convinced Olivia that becoming a mail order bride was a sure fire way of getting her out of the orphanage and into a real life. A life that Betsy felt Olivia deserved. She presented Olivia with a option, but Olivia couldn't possibly leave the orphanage without Lucy. Would this man looking for a Mail Order bride want to take on a half-breed and a ready made family? She was very doubtful, but deep inside she hoped that he would. So she sent off her letter along with a little bit of hope for her future.

Elizabeth Anne

Elizabeth Anne

Mail Order Bride Series book 3


Elizabeth Anne was to marry Christopher Cain, a prominent Boston businessman. Elizabeth did not quite enthuse Christophers' family. Her insistence on being called Betsy and her bold attitude of saying what she thought about everything annoyed Christopher's mother. She insisted that Elizabeth needed some grooming before marrying her son.
All Betsy wanted to do was escape this fate that her mother had made for her, so she decided she would be brave and follow in the footsteps of her best friend, Olivia. She was the one that had convinced Olivia to go and become a mail-order bride. Would that work for her?
She would contact Leanna Walker, the name on the flyer that she had given to Olivia. She wasn't sure she wanted to become a mail-order bride, but it couldn't hurt to look. She sent a message to Leanna and Olivia and got on a stage heading to California, searching for an adventure and hoping to find love along the way.

Melina May

Melina May

Book 4


Melina May was looking for a way to survive. She had been abused since she was a small child. Her father left in Spring for a cattle drive and had not yet returned. Her mother walked out and left her with her two younger siblings.
She didn't care that her parents were gone. It would have been fine if she had been alone, but she was all that the boys had , so when she heard about becoming a mail order bride, she took a chance and wrote her letter.
Leanna's heart was broken as she read the letter and was determined that she would not let this young woman down. She would find her someone who was willing to take her and the boys.

Hannah Clarice

Hannah Clarice

Mail Order Bride Series book 5


Hannah's father, Robert Morten, had high expectations for his daughter. He was sending her to an elite college in hopes that she would become a successful fashion designer with his money to back her. Fate was not in his favor when Hannah, met Michael Henry Beecham, a man with intentions of becoming a preacher.
Hannah had a choice to make. Would she continue to follow her father's wishes or run off with the man that she had fallen in love with to a life of unknowns? A life taht suddenly and drastically changes, leaving her alone and frightened.

Abigail Lyn

Abigail Lyn

Mail Order Bride Series book 6


Major Clancy did his best to raise Abigail after the death of his wife.  Her womanly skills left a bit to be desired having been raised by military men in a Fort in the middle of Indian Territory. When her father was ordered to return to Washington D.C. for a promotion Abigail found that there were quite a few things that she was not prepared for one of them being her mother's family. Her initial excitement of meeting them was soon crushed. Instead of being accepted with open arms her mother's family was appalled and angry when they realized that the only womanly skills Abigail knew were taught to her by Yellow Flower a person, they considered a savage Indian. When her father was ordered to go on a mission to California, he decided that this time Abbie should not go with him but stay with her mother's family instead. Abbie's cousin Kristina was beautiful and elegant and engaged to the handsomest man Abbie had ever seen Lieutenant Shawn O'Malley a Calvary officer like her father. It is there that Abbie's real adventure begins.

Cassidy Lane

Cassidy Lane

Mail Order Bride Series book 7


Cassidy Lane worked hard and sacrificed for her family. Her mother died when she and her twin brother Chase were young. Besides her father and Chase, Cassidy had two other brothers; the oldest was Lance, whom her father seemed to favor, and then there was the youngest, Craig, to whom Cassidy was more like a mother than a sister. When Cassidy was old enough, she started working at the local saloon. Her father disapproved however she knew that the family needed the money to survive. The farm her father bought produced more rocks than crops, so she sacrificed and did what she felt needed to be done. Every day seemed to be the same. She woke up, cleaned the house, cooked, and fed her family. At night she worked at the saloon. That was until the night she met Reese and Quin McConnahay. While fascinated by the fact that they were identical twins and she couldn't tell them apart, they soon led her and her brother Chase into an adventure involving murder, running from the law, and eventually love.



Mail Order Bride Series book 8


Sara-Jen was eight years old when she came home to see her family murdered by a warring tribe of Indians. They captured her, where she is raised as one of their own. Having lived with the Natives for most of her life, she has adjusted to the Indian ways of life. Things were fine until one day her husband’s brother Nawku shows up at their village, telling him that his father Chief Tonchise wishes to see him.

Catherine Renee’

Catherine Renee’

Mail Order Bride Book #9


The Hawthorne family has a secret.One they have tried to keep from Catherine her whole life. A so-called accident brings William Hawthorne, his wife Helena, and Cat, to Branford Connecticut.This is where Catherine meets a handsome, young, married lawyer named Samuel Wentworth and where their lives change forever.

Lacey Dyann

Lacey Dyann

Mail Order Bride Book #10


Lacey grew up on a farm near Silver Valley with her mother, father, and two younger brothers. They all worked hard and struggled to survive. Lacey’s only reprieve from her reality was her friendship with the Peterson’s. She envied their love for each other and wished she could one day belong to a family like theirs. Her father was not fond of her friendship with the Peterson children, but he tolerated it until he realized that Lacey and Jonathan were becoming more than just friends.

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