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Olivia Rose

Olivia Rose

Mail Order Bride Series book 2


Olivia Rose was the child of a fur trader and a Cherokee woman. She an her mother traveled with her father as he hunted and collected furs for trading with local tribes. That was until one morning they were ambushed, At first all they wanted was the furs her father had collected, but as they dragged her mother from the wagon all she heard were screams and her fathers gun going off. When she finally came out from under the blanket that her mother had covered her with she found both of her parents murdered. After several days a passing fur trader found Olivia cold, wet, and hungry. He knew that he could not properly care for a little girl by himself so he took a few keepsakes from her parents and dropped her off at a small orphanage. Being a half-bred had its disadvantages though because no one wanted to adopt what they considered a savage child. She stayed at the orphanage and eventually she worked for them taking care of other orphans in exchange for room and board. When Lucy was dropped off at the orphanage she reminded Olivia of herself very young, alone, and confused, It wasn't long before Lucy attached herself to Olivia. Betsy was Olivia's only friend and she was determined to help Olivia escape from her dreary life at the orphanage. She convinced Olivia that becoming a mail order bride was a sure fire way of getting her out of the orphanage and into a real life. A life that Betsy felt Olivia deserved. She presented Olivia with a option, but Olivia couldn't possibly leave the orphanage without Lucy. Would this man looking for a Mail Order bride want to take on a half-breed and a ready made family? She was very doubtful, but deep inside she hoped that he would. So she sent off her letter along with a little bit of hope for her future.

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