Monthly Archives: June 2017

Thank you everyone.

I just want to thank everyone for all the encouraging words. When your writing you never know if the book is going to be liked or not. So I hold my breath until people start telling me what they think. So keep the comments coming. Sometimes the next book changes due to the comments I […]

New book just released today.

Here it is the second book to the Matson Creek Series. Maggie has a lot of issues to work through. Revelation that her twins have different fathers, Roy’s divorce and his return to Hillcrest, Daniels visions, and Parkers abrupt departure due to her secret. Will she lose her children as Daniel forewarns or will everything […]

Weekly Update

Well I slaved away this weekend and I have finished Journey to Redemption. The second in the Matson Creek Series. It is now in going into the hands of my wonderful editors, my husband and daughter. They are so great at catching all my mistakes or most of them anyway. Maggie’s saga goes on. Her […]

Weekly Update

Hello everyone, I hope that you all had a great Memorial Day. I know that I did spending time with family is always a great treat around our house. Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, Kids and grandkids, cousins, uncles and aunts. They all had a blast at the Kovatch family Summer kickoff picnic. It was fun watching all […]