New books and I am so behind

I am so behind and I apologize for not keeping my blog up to date. I have been so busy. These books have been out for a while and I added the newest series The Tale of Christmas Eve.

I am currently working on a couple new books and those of you who have purchased Toxic Love are probably waiting for the newest book which I am working on. I did decide to change the title of that new book. You know that sometimes when you start writing you have a change of mind about the book. Originally I was going to call it Redemption because poor Maggie obviously needs some redemption, however Forever Choices seemed to fit what I was writing so although the end of my book says to look for Redemtion, don’t because Forever Choices will be the next one in that series instead.

I am also working on Reunited in the Ravenswood Manor series and hope to have that coming out soon.

Plus as you can see I am crazy busy I have decided to take Rebecca and Braxton back to their past as they Return to Heaven’s Gate that one will soon be out too.

So as you can see I have been busy writing and not so up to date with my blogging.

Also I am working on the Valentine’s Day Surprise in my New Million Dollar Series. A continuing saga of Eve and David.

So until I see you again remember to Be Creative… as my professor used to say to me.