The Silent Winds of Pine Grove – Newest book out

Well this one finishes the Million Dollar Series.  I hope that you all enjoy the ending. Sorry it took so long. I try but working a fulltime job and writing don’t always mix.

Working on two new books now. The finish for the second part of Oregon Series and starting a new Mail Order Bride series.

I have been reading some of the reviews on my books. It seems that some people don’t like that my books have not been stand alone books. I am going to try some stand alone books in my new Mail order Bride series hopefully that will make some of that group happy too.


Better Late than Never

The Valentines Day Secret has finally been finished. It will be released as e-book on July 1st. I haven’t been given a date yet for the paperback.

Hope you enjoy the second installment on the Million Dollar Series.


The Valentines Day Secret

As usual life has gotten in the way of my writing and finishing this book on time. I apologize I really wanted it out and ready today but… Life has a way of getting involved and blocking the best of plans. I am working on it but it will still be a little while.  In the meantime enjoy The Return to Heaven’s Gate and let me know what you think…

Catch cha all later


Newest books out there for your enjoyment

I have been behind that is for sure. Experienced a computer crash that has delayed a few things but I did manage in the last month to put 0ut Forever Choices and Reunited.

Forever Choices is the 5th book in the continuation of Matson Creek leading you back to the original series of Heaven’s Gate.  Return to Heaven’s Gate is set to be released on Jan 1st.

Don’t forget Reunited though that is the ending for The Ravenswood Manor series, or is it?? You will have to read it to find out.

I hope that you enjoy what I have written and as always Be Creative!! and live out your dreams.

See you in the New Year.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Have a Happy and Healthy New Year.



Reunited at last

Well, Finally Reunited is finished all28 chapters of it. It is definitely one of my longest books and the end?? of the Ravenswood Manor series (at least for now.) You will know what I mean once you read it. The Captain and his entourage can return at any time.  I hope you enjoy it. It was finished a month or two ago but I made a huge mistake with this.  I decided to try out this new E-book writing tool only to find out if you don’t put the book into the system completely done and checked and you make some revisions… Well you can’t go back and try to change anything. I didn’t save a finished product. I thought once I put it in there it was done. I made a few revisions. “Maybe more than a few.” When I was done I was semi-happy with it but found out that I couldn’t download it into any other book format. So I ended up having to retype the entire book. That took me five weeks to do. So I am sorry it is later than I expected it’s release to be, but I sure hope that you like it Just remember “Keep dreaming and BE Creative…

Let me know. I love to hear from you.


Reunited is finally done in e-book status

I finally finished the e-book version of Reunited. Still working on the paperback version hopefully it will be available soon. I had a few glitches with the new system that I am working with.

I hope you enjoy this one. I am now working on finishing the next book in the Matson Creek Series and I am also working on getting out the new Return to Heaven’s Gate.

Hopefully all before Christmas??? Keeping my fingers crossed.