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Rescuing the Captain

Rescuing the Captain

Ravenswood Manor Book 2


After purchasing Ravenswood Manor Ali learns that it is haunted by the once prestigious Captain Ravenswood and his wife Mary.
Ali has always had trust issues with men after father left her and her mother to survive on their own. When she finds out that her caretaker Jeremiah has lied about who he is they have a huge fight. She heads home alone. Getting ready for bed she hears a noise in the hallway. Hoping it is Jeremiah and not Captain Ravenswood she creeps out into the hallway and heads to the top of the staircase. Jeremiah had waxed the floors that morning and as Ali reaches the top step she slips and tumbles down the staircase where Jeremiah finds her unconscious.
When Ali awakes she finds herself on a ship. Not just an ordinary ship but one that is very well known in the harbor as the ghost ship the Black Crow. It's Captain is John J. Moreland the notorious pirate captain. Captain Moreland takes her on an eye opening adventure to learn why the ghostly Captain that haunts her house is obsessed with her, and how he became such a bitter man.

The Captains Quest

The Captains Quest

Ravenswood Manor Book 3


Captain Masterson Ravenswood is trapped. His ghostly figure roams the old mansion that he once called home. His quest was to find his lost love Lizzie. Lizzie held the secret that held him to this place. When a young author named Ali appeared one snowy night the Captain's life changed. She was the perfect image of his Lizzie. She had to be the key to everything that he was seeking. Everything leading up to her arrival at Ravenswood Manor, every family secret, seemed to be woven into what would hopefully end his lifelong quest for the truth.

Ali’s Journey Home

Ali’s Journey Home

Book # 4


Follow Ali as she journeys into the past with the notorious pirate Captain Moreland. Slowly Captain Moreland reveals the truth about Masterson Ravenswood and his lost love Lizzie. As Ali begins to put all the pieces together she realizes that there is a bigger connection that ties her and the ghostly Captain, and it involves some deep family secrets.



Ravenswood Manor Book 5


Little did Ali know what was in store for her when she purchased the old Ravenswood estate. From the first sight of the old mansion it seemed to draw her in. Its history was filled with little secrets that had been hidden for almost a century. The ghost of Captain Ravenswood haunting the mansion was definitely not something she had counted on when she purchased the old mansion, but there was something about him that drew her in. There was more than the fact that he was a sad man looking for his lost love. Her resemblance to the ghostly Captain’s lover was just a coincidence she tried hard to tell herself.
Jeremiah the caretaker had become someone that she trusted enough to let in on her ghostly secret, but surprisingly he already knew of the Captain and the secrets of Ravenswood Manor. In fact there were a few more secrets that she learned that night. A strange tall ship at the dock, a fight with Jeremiah, and a fall down a flight of stairs was only the beginning of her journey.
Suddenly she found herself on a ghost ship heading out to sea with a ghostly pirate by the name of Captain John J. Moreland. She was told that she was on a journey to end his curse, but it was much more than that. She was on a journey that would change her life forever.

The Captains Love

The Captains Love

Ravenswood Manor Series - Book 1


Ali 's manager kept telling her the time invested in the book tours was important to a rising new author. It didn't leave much time for any romance but she kept promising Joe she would make it up to him. Coming home early to surprise him was all she thought about. The surprise was on her though. Angry she told her manager she was goin to drive to the next book tour in New England. Little did she know that snow, ice covered roads and and an abandoned old Victorion home lay in her future.

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